Next Sunday, October 11th:
Adult Forum - 9:15 am
TBA, Leader Needed!
Service and Religious Education - 10:30 am
Message: "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark," Alexis Engelbrecht-Villafañe
What does it look like to be fully human with fellow humans? This talk explores how we can use our life experiences and creativity to become meaningfully involved with one another in deeply personal and life giving ways - even during the darkest of times.
If you have a joy or concern that you would like to have read during the Service, please submit it through our Joys & Concerns page.
Plus Children's RE --- Volunteers Needed!
UUFJC Board - 1:30 pm
All are welcome to attend. Draft minutes of the previous board meeting are posted on the bulletin board in the sanctuary, and electronic copies are available on request.
UUFJC News and Events this week:
We need an Adult Forum leader for next Sunday, October 11th. Contact Laura Gilkey.
Later this month, we will be putting together our annual Day of the Dead altar in the Sanctuary. Starting next Sunday, October 11th, you are invited to bring mementos of those who have died, both people near and dear to you and people in the larger culture who influenced you. You can also bring decorative items that fit the Day of the Dead theme. Please label items with your name so they can be returned.
Our Building Committee is requesting donations to repair our retaining walls. You can see the progress on the wall at the side of our building, but the retaining walls in front and back are also showing their age and we can't repair them now without additional funds. Any help is appreciated!
Alexis Engelbrecht-Villafañe is organizing another "This I Believe" writing workshop. This is an opportunity to compose essays to share with the Fellowship in a future service, or just to explore with and learn from fellow members and friends. Contact Alexis to get involved.
The Transgender Support Group meets this Thursday, October 8th at 7 pm. Contact Ari Morse.
This Friday, October 9th at 7 pm is the Reader’s Eye Film. This month’s selection is “Awakenings,” based on the work of Oliver Sacks and starring Robin Williams. Contact Cinthy Wilcox or Carol Bontempo.
Next Sunday, October 11th at 2 pm is the Coming Out Day rally at Table of Grace. UUFJC will have a table. Contact Katherine Connor.
Looking beyond this coming week, Project Homeless Connect is coming Tuesday, October 13th, and volunteers are needed. Contact Patt Behler.
On October 23rd, Wayne White will be celebrating his 65th birthday at Prison Brews. Please contact Alicia White if you’d like to celebrate with them.
Community Events this week:
This Thursday, October 8th will be a Breast Cancer FUN'raiser at Oscar's Classic Diner. Contact Patt Behler for a flyer, then present it at Oscars on the 8th and 20% of your purchase will benefit Encouragement Through Caring.
Thursday evening, Missouri River Regional Library presents "Seed Saving—Why and How." Jeffrey Hargrove works for Lincoln University’s Cooperative Extension in the Native Plants Program and as the community garden manager. He will explain the benefits of seed saving, the skills needed, how and when it should be done, fruits and vegetables best suited for keeping, harvesting, storage, and legal issues. Contact Madeline Matson.
This week, Capitol City Cinema presents "Phoenix" (through Thursday) and "Mississippi Grind" (starting Friday). For showtimes and more information, visit
For yoga and even more events, see our online calendars:
Service Committee
Religious Education
Building Use (other)
Social Action
Community Events
Have a great week!