Our financial planning meeting was a success this time as Don went over the budget with us. We were in the red this past year, largely due to unexpectedly huge snow-plowing bills, and we don't want to cut the things most important to our Fellowship's purpose, but it gave us a chance to come together and think about possibilities and priorities.
UUFJC News and Events this week:
The May Newsletter is finished; paper copies are on the back table in the Sanctuary and digital copies are available.
This Thursday, May 1st, the American Association of University Women meets at a different time and location than usual: 6 pm at the Parsons' house. It will be a potluck dinner, and this will be their last regular meeting until September. Contact Charlotte Parsons.
This Saturday, May 3rd, the Ethical Eating Group meets upstairs at the Brew House at 9 am. Contact Shanon Hawk.
Next Sunday, May 4th, Youth RE will meet during service.
Also next Sunday, the UUFJC Board will meet after service.
If you will not be able to attend our Annual Business Meeting May 18th but wish to have your vote counted, please fill out a proxy form and leave it with your proxy or with me. The forms are available on the back table or I can send you one. The minutes of last year's meeting are also available for review, and the meeting agenda as well as information on planned proposals (against corporate personhood and for marijuana decriminalization) are in the May newsletter.
Remember our Rummage Sale is coming up next month on May 24th. Please start saving items. Contact Pat Goetz or Bob Antweiler with any questions.
Community Events this week:
This Tuesday, April 29th, the NEEED Project will hold its annual meeting in the Coca-Cola Community Room at 6:30 pm. See the flier in the back of the Sanctuary or contact Bob Boldt.
A little later Tuesday evening at 7 pm, Missouri River Regional Library hosts "What Science Fiction Can Teach Us." Mark Tiedemann, author of Remains, Compass Reach, Metal of Night and many more science fiction titles, and Dr. Thomas F. Dillingham, retired professor of English, who taught science fiction courses at Stephens College and the University of Missouri-Columbia, will take part in a “conversation” about science fiction as significant literature. Contact Madeline Matson.
Friday evening, May 2nd at 7 pm, MRRL presents their First Friday Film, "Nebraska." Critics call this film from director Alexander Payne “an American masterpiece.” Shot in black and white, it concerns a father (Bruce Dern) and his adult son (Will Forte) who embark on a journey to claim a million-dollar Publishers Clearing House Prize the father thinks he won. Dern was nominated for an Oscar for his performance and won the 2013 best actor award at the Cannes Film Festival. Payne is the award-winning director of “The Descendants” and “Sideways.” Contact Madeline Matson.
The annual Earth Day event in Columbia has been postponed due to weather and will be held next Sunday, May 4th.
For yoga and even more events, see our online calendars: