Stephanie Scott-Huffman from Table of Grace was also here for the Adult Forum and gave us an exciting presentation about The Pantry, the food assistance program she's trying to start. For more information, you can get in touch with Stephanie or visit the project's GoFundMe page here:
UUFJC News and Events this week:
We're holding a silent auction for the Mammatus Cloud photo print currently hanging above the Chalice. The opening bid is $35, and proceeds will help the Art Committee buy new frames for future displays. The auction sheet is on the table in the back of the Sanctuary, and you can contact Roberta Dunkel for more information.
This Tuesday, April 8th is the Missouri Women United March for Equity at the Capitol. There will be a Breakfast and Legislative Update at 8 am, then a Women's March on High Street and Rally for Equality in the Capitol Rotunda at noon, followed by citizen lobbying of the legistlature. Contact Sue Gibson.
This Friday, April 11th at 7 pm here at the Fellowship is the monthly Reader's Eye Film. This month's selection is "Hysteria" (2011), a romantic comedy with serious overtones set in Victorian England; it promises to be very interesting. Contact Bob Boldt.
Also on Friday, the MidAmerica UUA's "Hunger for Justice" Regional Assembly begins. The Registration deadline to attend has passed, but some of the events will be live-streamed online. Use this link for the Regional Business Meeting, Saturday, April 12th at 10:30 am: or use this link to view other events, including the keynote address, as they happen or later at your convenience: Visit for more information about the Regional Assembly.
Our annual Rummage Sale is coming May 24th! This is our biggest annual fundraiser and it'll be here before you know it, so keep an eye out for items to donate as you do your spring cleaning! Contact Bob Antweiler or Pat Goetz.
Community Events this week:
This Tuesday, April 8th at 4 pm, Citizens for Peace will meet in the Story Hour Room at Missouri River Regional Library. Contact Betty Cooper.
Later Tuesday evening at 7 pm in the Conference Room, MRRL will also host a multimedia program on Human Trafficking in Missouri. The program is presented by the Central Missouri Stop Human Trafficking Coalition, and one of the presenters will be a survivor from St. Louis. Contact Madeline Matson.
Wednesday, April 9th, a Dementia Caregivers' Resource Group will meet in the Cafe at First Baptist Church. Bring a brown bag lunch. Keith Enloe of Hospice Compassus will share information about hospice and palliative care. Caregivers will learn about both services, what they are, and how those workers can help families. Caregivers will learn how to contact both services and when such care may be needed. There will be time for questions and answers with handouts, and a nurse may be available to help answer questions. Everyone is welcome at these free meetings. No reservation necessary.
I have an unconfirmed report that a group of friendly neighborhood Pagans will be meeting to chat this Saturday, April 12th at Pañera at 3 pm and that any and all Pagans or Pagan-friendly visitors are welcome to join them. Contact Richard Parsons as to the truth of this rumor.
For yoga and even more events, see our Calendars.