This morning, we celebrated our annual Flower Communion. Members were invited to each bring a flower. We gathered the flowers together on our chalice table, and in the end each member was invited to take a different flower than the one they had brought. This beloved ceremony was originated by Norbert Čapek at his Unitarian church in Czechoslovakia in 1923. Rev. Maja Čapek, Norbert's wife, brought it to the US in 1940, and it has become a Unitarian Universalist tradition. The flowers remind us of the earth's reawakening at this time of year, and of the diverse gifts each member brings to the beautiful bouquet of our faith journey together.
On the same Sunday as we observed this gathering of our gifts, we also welcomed new members who have recently joined our fellowship community. We are joyful to add their colors to our bouquet!
For those who would also like to keep up with our neighbors at the UU Church of Columbia, their service from this morning is now available to view online:
Next Sunday, April 24th:
Adult Forum - 9:15 am
Michelle Brooks
This local author and journalist will discuss one of her latest books.
Our Adult Forum is currently available both in-person and via Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 988 5874 1051
Password: 047662
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago - US toll)
Find your nearest number:
Service and Religious Education - 10:30 am
UUCC Service
When we are not holding our own services, our building will be open for those who wish to come and share the online services of our neighbor congregation, the Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia. For more information, visit UUCC's website:
Children's Religious Education - 10:30 am
Children attending in-person are welcome to join RE Instructor Samantha Porter for a lesson during the service hour. This week: "Becoming: Making Hopeful Predictions."
Masks are now optional for those attending UUFJC events in person.
If you have a joy or concern that you would like to have read during a service or shared in our weekly email, please submit it by noon on the Friday before through our website:
We will also have paper forms available Sunday morning for submissions.
Zoom participants, please use the web form. Submissions made after noon on Friday may not be read or shared until the following week..
UUFJC News and Events this week:
For accessibility and convenience, we now have an option to donate to our Fellowship online through PayPal:
Donate to UUFJC
You can also mail donations and pledges to:
Attn: Treasurer
PO Box 1245
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Thank you for being with us and supporting us!
We are currently holding our annual pledge drive. This year we have a lot of plans that we need your help to make real, including the possibility of hiring a part-time minister. Please contact our Treasurer, Bob Antweiler, with any questions or pledges: [email protected].
Submissions for our May newsletter are due today. Please email any last-minute items to Laura Gilkey ASAP: [email protected].
We are always in need of donations for our free community pantry. For more information about the pantry and current needs, contact Joan Kurtzeborn. Reimbursements are available; contact our treasurer, Bob Antweiler: [email protected].
This Tuesday, April 19th, Alberta Mobley is resuming her weekly chair yoga classes at our building at 9:30 am. Donations requested. Contact Alberta for more information.
On Thursdays at 5:30 pm, Katherine Connor hosts a weekly Zoom Happy Hour for UUFJC Members and Friends to gather and check in.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 918 4396 6450
Password: 918925
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago - US toll)
Find your nearest number:
An Insight Meditation group taught by Joe McCormack meets at our building Thursday nights at 7 pm. For more information, contact Bob Antweiler.
This Friday, April 22nd is our monthly Salvation Army meal. Please contact Bob Antweiler if you can help provide food for those in need. Due to the pandemic, we have been asked not to serve the meal in-person at this time. Reimbursements are available.
Our building is reserved by community groups Wednesdays and Saturdays starting at 6 pm and Tuesdays and Thursdays starting at 5:30 pm. If you have access to our building, please allow privacy at these times.
Community Events this week:
This Thursday, April 21st at 6:30 pm in their Art Gallery, Missouri River Regional Library presents: "A Vision for the Future of Lincoln University." Dr. John B. Moseley, recently named Lincoln University's 21st president, will address the challenges and hopes for his administration and the programs offered by this important community and statewide institution. Before his appointment, he served as interim president and implemented many initiatives from data-driven admissions strategies and restructuring of scholarship programs to new fundraising efforts and expansion of academic programs. He has nearly 20 years of higher education experience, including 13 years at Historically Black College or University campuses. A North Carolina native, he earned a B.S. in exercise and sports science and an M.A. in education from East Carolina University, He completed his doctorate in educational leadership and policy analysis at the University of Missouri. He served in a variety of athletic capacities at universities in Delaware, North Carolina and Ohio. At Lincoln, he was the director of athletics after his service as head men's basketball coach. Contact Madeline Matson. For more on library events, visit
Next Sunday, April 24th from 2-4 pm in their Art Gallery, MRRL hosts an Artist Reception for Leanne Porello. Meet the artist, view her exciting artwork in a variety of mediums, and enjoy some light refreshments. Contact Madeline Matson. For more on library events, visit
For more events, see our online calendars:
UUFJC Events
Virtual Gatherings
Affiliated Events
Religious Education
Building Use (other)
Community Events