This morning, Rev. Nancy TannerThies was unable to join us due to unforeseen family priorities, but we were, as always, invited to share the online services of our neighbor congregation, the Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia.
Today, UUCC celebrated Martin Luther King Sunday. The Rev. Dr. C.W. Dawson Jr.'s sermon title as guest preacher was "Beyond the Dream." He quoted a homeless person posing the question, "Can white America be saved?" Invoking Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech, Dr. Dawson suggested the answer may be transforming the dream from integration to multi-cultural acceptance.
The sermon is available to view online:
Next Sunday, January 23
February Newsletter Submissions Due.
Please email your items to Laura Gilkey at [email protected].
Adult Forum - 9:15 am
"Real ID Documents," Charlotte Parsons
Avoid long lines at the Dept. of Motor Vehicles when it comes time to renew your driver's license. Know ahead of time what is required for the REAL ID-COMPLIANT Driver's License going into effect May 3, 2023. If you're within 6 months of renewal, they will automatically ask you if you would like one. It's good to know what's needed. Come find out at our forum discussion.
Our Adult Forum is currently available both in-person and via Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 988 5874 1051
Password: 047662
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago - US toll)
Find your nearest number:
Service and Religious Education - 10:30 am
Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbia Service
When we are not holding our own services, our building will be open for those who wish to come and share the online services of our neighbor congregation, the Unitarian Univeralist Church of Columbia. For more information, visit UUCC's website:
Children's Religious Education - 10:30 am
Children are welcome to join RE Instructor Samantha Porter for a lesson during the service hour. This week: "Think Outside the Box."
Masks are currently required for everyone attending indoor UUFJC events in-person. Free masks will be available if you do not have one.
If you have a joy or concern that you would like to have read during a service, please submit it by noon on the Friday before through our website:
We will also have paper forms available Sunday morning for submissions.
Zoom participants, please use the web form. Submissions made after noon on Friday may not be read until the following week..
UUFJC News and Events this week:
For accessibility and convenience, we now have an option to donate to our Fellowship online through PayPal:
Donate to UUFJC
You can also mail donations and pledges to:
Attn: Treasurer
PO Box 1245
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Thank you for being with us and supporting us!
And remember all our ways to stay in touch! You can join our open-posting Google Group to chat with other members and friends via e-mail and receive additional announcements and reminders (contact the Administrator at [email protected] to join).
We are currently holding our annual Guest At Your Table donation drive to support the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. UUSC empowers grassroots partners to work for human rights around the world. Stories from UUSC's work, donation boxes, and donation envelopes are available at our building, or you can learn more about UUSC's work and give online: Donations to our drive are due in January 30th.
We are also collecting items to support an Afghan refugee. For more information see our January newsletter or contact Social Action chair Katherine Connor: [email protected].
We are always in need of donations for our free community pantry. For more about the pantry and current needs, contact Joan Kurtzeborn: j[email protected]. Reimbursements are available; contact our treasurer, Bob Antweiler: [email protected].
On Thursdays at 5:30 pm, Katherine Connor hosts a weekly Zoom Happy Hour for UUFJC Members and Friends to gather and check in.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 918 4396 6450
Password: 918925
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago - US toll)
Find your nearest number:
This Friday, January 21st, registration opens for our MidAmerica UUA Region’s annual Regional Assembly. This year's Regional Assembly will be held online April 30th from 9 am to 1 pm central time and will feature keynote speaker CB Beal, Annual Business Meeting, and time for connection and conversation in break-out rooms. For more information visit
Our building is reserved by community groups Wednesdays and Saturdays starting at 6 pm and Tuesdays and Thursdays starting at 6 pm. If you have access to our building, please allow privacy at these times.
Community Events this week
No Community Events were submitted for inclusion in this week's email. If you would like to submit an event for our community calendar, email our Administrator at [email protected].
For more events, see our online calendars:
UUFJC Events
Virtual Gatherings
Affiliated Events
Religious Education
Building Use (other)
Community Events