Later this afternoon, we gathered at the Fellowship to celebrate our 25th anniversary this year with music, cake, stories, and lots of pictures! Thanks to everyone who made the event --- and the past 25 years --- possible, and here's hoping for many more years of Unitarian Universalist fellowship in Jefferson City!
Next Sunday, October 23rd:
Newsletter Submissions Due.
Please submit your items for the November newsletter and print calendar to Laura Gilkey by e-mail or in writing.
Adult Forum - 9:15 am
"Why You Should Talk to Strangers," Laura Gilkey
We will view and discuss a TED Talk by Kio Stark, revealing reasons and techniques for talking to strangers.
Service and Religious Education - 10:30 am
Message: "This UU Life: What Does It Mean to be a Welcoming Community?"
We’ll explore welcoming as a spiritual and intentional practice through readings, prepared reflections, and music.
If you have a joy or concern that you would like to have read during the Service, please submit it by noon on Friday through our website:
Plus Children's RE --- Volunteers Needed!
Potluck Lunch After Service --- Please bring a favorite dish!
"Get Your Spook On" October Holiday Lectures - 2:30 pm
Special program on the origins of Halloween and The Day of the Dead, presented ty Brad Connor and Bob Boldt. Open to the public, so please bring friends and spread the word.
UUFJC News and Events this week:
Our October Altar will be on display starting next Sunday. You are invited to bring pictures and mementos of people special to you who have passed away (family, friends, or famous), as well as other decorations you would like to have considered for inclusion. The altar will be on display October 23rd and 30th, and items will be returned after that time. Please label items with your name to help us get them back to you. Contact Bob Boldt.
We are in the process of decluttering our building, to make more breathing room for ourselves and more space to invite the new. If you have left any items at the Fellowship that you want to reclaim or want to make sure aren't discarded, please pick them up at your earliest opportunity, no later than this Wednesday, October 19th. Contact Katherine Connor, Judi Jecmen, or Alexis.
This Thursday evening, October 20th at 7 pm, Capital Area Interfaith Alliance is hosting a free Interfaith Music Event at First Presbyterian Church, featuring Mormon and Muslim music, plus refreshments and time to mingle.
At the same time, Thursday at 7 pm, the American Association of University Women meets here at the Fellowship. Contact Charlotte Parsons for more information.
Community Events this week:
Monday, October 17th at 6 pm, the Jefferson City NAACP will host a Missouri House District 60 Public Forum with the candidates, Jay Barnes and Kevin Nelson, in room 100 in the library at Lincoln University. The candidates will speak and field questions.
This Thursday, October 20th at 7 pm in their Art Gallery, Missouri River Regional Library presents: "Cole County’s Founding Elite: Coming to Rule, 1830-1850," co-sponsored with The Historic City of Jefferson. Coming mostly from Virginia and Kentucky, Cole County’s founding elite came to rule. Their ambitious spirit, often handsomely supplemented with money, slaves, and social status led them to expect prominence in state politics and local leadership. For a generation, they were remarkably successful, until new immigrants and a shifting political landscape diluted their original cohesiveness. Dr. Kenneth Winn, former state archivist, will present the program. Contact Madeline Matson.
At the same time, Thursday at 7 pm, Columbia Area NOW meets at the Hy-Vee Restaurant at Broadway and Fairview in Columbia. Non-members and new members welcome. Contact Sue Gibson.
Next Sunday, October 23rd at 1:30 pm in the Art Gallery, MRRL hosts its Creative Cuisine Club. This month's theme: The Flavors of Autumn. Enjoy a great meal with a group of new friends. Find a seasonal recipe and sign up to make an appetizer, main dish, side dish, or dessert and share it with group. Registration limited to 15. Contact Madeline Matson.
This week, Capitol City Cinema presents "Complete Unknown" (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday). For showtimes and more information, visit
For yoga and even more events, see our online calendars:
Service Committee
Religious Education
Building Use (other)
Social Action
Community Events
Have a great week!