Next Sunday, March 6th:
Adult Forum - 9:15 am
"Class Privilege," Laura Gilkey
We will explore issues of classism using a privilege checklist.
Service and Religious Education - 10:30 am
Message: "Mary: Her Appeal and Power," Rev. Mike Adamek
I have never much thought about Mary the mother of Jesus. She was not part of my Disciple of Christ childhood nor my Unitarian Universalist adulthood. Yet like the doctrine of the trinity, the adoration of Mary developed in the years after the New Testament was written and had a powerful impact on the development of Western World. Join me in discovering a woman you may have never known.
If you have a joy or concern that you would like to have read during the Service, please submit it through our website:
Plus Children's RE --- Volunteers Needed!
UUFJC News and Events this week:
The March Newsletter and print calendar are ready. Paper copies are available in the back of the sanctuary and electronic copies are available on request.
We are updating our Members & Friends Directory. There is a paper copy in the back of the sanctuary where you can note any updates, or you can contact Laura Gilkey.
The Worship Service Committee is tentatively scheduled to meet next Sunday, March 6th, at 1:45 pm. All are welcome to come help plan our upcoming services. See Alexis.
Reminder to RE volunteers: we are no longer scheduling volunteers using the VolunteerSpot app. Please see the schedule on the RE room door. Contact Kim Connor for more information.
Faith Voices for Jefferson City's annual anniversary dinner and fundraiser is coming Friday, March 11th at 6:30 pm. Tickets are $50 per person or $400 for a table of eight. We hope to sponsor two tables for our members who wish to attend and for others who wish to attend and could not otherwise afford to. If you can help with a donation, please contact Bob Antweiler. The event also includes a silent auction; contact Katherine Connor if you would like to donate items.
Community Events this week:
This Tuesday, March 1st at 6:30 pm in the Art Gallery, Missouri River Regional Library presents: "Thomas Hart Benton Speaks: Revelations from a Rediscovered 1962 Interview." From the 1930s until his death in 1975, Missouri artist Thomas Hart Benton argued that representational art more successfully reflected American culture than did abstract art. This unfashionable attitude remains a contentious aspect of Benton’s legacy among critics who label him a regressive anti-modern reactionary. An interview from 1962 sheds further light on his artistic outlook and will be the focus of a presentation by Dr. Joan Stack, curator of art collections at The State Historical Society of Missouri. Contact Madeline Matson.
Friday, March 4th at 7 pm in their Art Gallery, MRRL hosts their monthly First Friday Film: "Suffragette." Carey Mulligan stars in this powerful film, set in 1912, about British activists and their fight for women’s right to vote. Meryl Street and Helena Bonham Carter co-star. Contact Madeline Matson.
Then next Sunday afternoon, March 6th at 2 pm in their Art Gallery, MRRL hosts a presentation on "Immigrant Stories." Elizabeth Terry, Patrick McCarthy, and John Wright, authors of Ethnic St. Louis, will discuss the significant impact of St. Louis’ immigrant communities both past and present. These groups have helped make St. Louis into a vibrant and diverse city. Several recent immigrants from the mid-Missouri area will also tell their stories of journey and settlement into U.S. society. (This program, originally scheduled in January, was moved to this date to to weather.) Contact Madeline Matson.
This week, Capitol City Cinema presents "Tumbledown" (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday). For showtimes and more information, visit
For yoga and even more events, see our online calendars:
Service Committee
Religious Education
Building Use (other)
Social Action
Community Events
Have a great week!