- It's hard to hate close up --- Move in.
- Speak truth to b***s*** --- But be civil.
- Hold hands --- With strangers.
- And keep a Strong Back, Soft Front, Wild Heart.
Next Sunday, October 27th:
Adult Forum - 9:15 am
"The Food Bank," Jami Wade
The Food Bank for Central & Northeast Missouri is one of the few nationwide to provide food at no cost. Jami Wade has assumed regional responsibilities for this organization.
Service and Religious Education - 10:30 am
Message: "Belonging, Becoming, and Welcoming," Alexis
This morning, we'll explore the gift of being in a space that feels comfortable and consider what happens when that space and the people in it evolves.
If you have a joy or concern that you would like to have read during the Service, please submit it by noon on Friday through our website: http://uufjc.org/joys--concerns.html
Plus Children's RE --- "Belonging to Big Things: the Practice of Opening to the Interdependent Web"
UUFJC News and Events this week:
Bob Boldt is organizing our annual Day of the Dead altar and observance. Please bring pictures or mementos of passed loved ones from now until October 31st to be displayed on the altar. Items may be left in the clear plastic box near the cafe bar and will be returned by November 4th. Contact Bob for more information.
Tomorrow, Monday, October 21st, our building is reserved by a community group starting at 6:30 pm. Please allow privacy.
This Friday, October 25th is our monthly Salvation Army Meal. Contact Roberta Dunkel or Bob Antweiler if you can help provide and serve food for those in need. Serving begins at 5 pm; please arrive early to help prepare.
And a week from tomorrow, on Monday, October 28th at 6:30 pm is the first session of our UU Ethics small group. Participants in this small group explore their values and consider their stances on ethical issues. Important Note: This is a space to learn together and grow, not a space for arguments or debate. While no ongoing commitment is required, regular attendance may be helpful.
To sign up, please follow this link: https://forms.gle/K8Xvm32pPe23jFbQ6
For more about small groups, contact Alexis at [email protected].
Community Events this week:
Tomorrow, Monday, October 21st at 7 pm in their Art Gallery, Missouri River Regional Library presents Music in the Library with Claude Bourbon. Bourbon lives in England and is known throughout Europe and America for his amazing guitar performances. He regularly tours in America and has shared the state with countless musicians in many venues. His music is a mélange of folk, blues, classical, and Spanish influences. Contact Madeline Matson. For more library events, visit MRRL.org.
This Friday, October 25th is the 14th Annual Evening Rotary Spaghetti Dinner from 4:30 to 7 pm at Grace Episcopal Church (217 Adams St). Proceeds benefit local and international service projects. Adults - $10, Youth (6-12) - $5, Kids 5 and under - Free. Carry-Out Available. Plus raffle tickets for chances to win a variety of prizes! Menu includes Spaghetti with Homemade Italian Spaghetti Sauce, Tossed Green Salad with Parmesan Cheese, Crusty French Bread, Pies and Desserts, and Iced Tea. Contact Frank Rycyk for more information.
This week, Capitol City Cinema presents "Official Secrets" (Thursday through Sunday). For showtimes, more events, and more information, visit capitolcitycinema.org.
For yoga and even more events, see our online calendars:
UUFJC Events
Affiliated Events
Religious Education
Building Use (other)
Community Events
Have a great week!