Our April newsletter is now ready to view or download:
UUFJC Newsletter, "Flame on the Water," April 2023
This morning, we continued our month of exploring "Resistance" with a message from our wider UU community via video. In a recent sermon, Rev. Dr. Rebekah Savage, senior minister at the UU Congregation of Rockville, Maryland reminds us that radical possibility and courageous love begin with radical self-acceptance and love for our full selves.
The message is available to view online:
For accessibility and convenience, we have an option to donate to our Fellowship online through PayPal:
Donate to UUFJC
You can also mail donations and pledges to:
Attn: Treasurer
PO Box 1245
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Thank you for being with us and supporting us!
And remember all our ways to stay in touch! You can visit our website at uufjc.org.* You can also join our open-posting "UUFJC Cafe" Google Group to chat with other members and friends via e-mail and receive additional announcements and reminders (contact the Administrator at [email protected] to join).
*Our fellowship's website is back up and running after last week's technical difficulties! A big thanks to our Secretary and Webmaster, Logan White, for his quick work. If anyone encounters any further issues, please contact Logan White or Rich Burdge.
It’s that time of year again: time for us to plan our budget for the upcoming fiscal year. You can help us by making or updating pledges of your planned donations to UUFJC so that our board can make informed decisions. For pledge forms and more information, contact our treasurer, Bob Antweiler: [email protected].
And please mark your calendars for our Annual Business Meeting, which is coming Sunday, May 14th. If you have questions or input on what will be coming up at this year's meeting, please contact our Board.
Thank you for remembering our neighborhood free pantry. For donation ideas and more information, contact Joan Kurtzeborn.
On Thursdays at 5:30 pm, Katherine Connor hosts a weekly Zoom Happy Hour for UUFJC Members and Friends to gather and check in.
Note: The Happy Hour schedule is changing and ideas are welcome. For more information, contact Katherine.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 918 4396 6450
Password: 918925
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago - US toll)
Find your nearest number: https://zoom.us/u/aeC2zyWdIo
An independent Insight Meditation group taught by Joe McCormack meets at our building Thursday nights at 7 pm. For more information, contact Bob Antweiler.
Next Sunday, April 23rd, the UUFJC Board meets at our building at 3 pm. For agenda and more information, contact our president, Rich Burdge.
Our building is reserved by community groups Wednesdays and Saturdays starting at 6 pm and Tuesdays and Thursdays starting at 5:30 pm. If you have access to our building, please allow privacy at these times.
Community Events this week:
In partnership with the Jefferson City Parks & Recreation Foundation, the United Way of Central Missouri is kicking off our tenth annual Serve Jeff City event! The community-wide volunteer day of beautification to Jefferson City will take place this Saturday, April 22, 2023 beginning at 8 AM at McClung Park. The event will start with a pancake breakfast served by Missouri Lt. Governor Mike Kehoe, followed by deployment to the service areas from 9 AM – 12 PM. You can view our event page and sign up for an opportunity by clicking here! (Submitted by Patt Behler)
For more events, see our online calendars:
UUFJC EventsVirtual Gatherings
Affiliated Events
Religious Education
Building Use (other)
Community Events