Next Sunday, September 23rd:
Newsletter Submissions Due.
Please submit your items for our October newsletter and print calendar to Laura Gilkey by e-mail ([email protected]) or in writing.
Adult Forum - 9:15 am
"Peace Corps," Patt Behler
Patt, having served in the Peace Corp, will provide some of her past and present experiences, as she updates us on the Peace Corps’ history, mission, and available opportunities.
Service and Religious Education - 10:30 am
Message: "Long Hauls," Rev. Wendy Williams
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, Lao Tzu told us more than two millennia ago. What else is required for a long journey? Reverend Wendy Williams is senior Minister of Jefferson Unitarian Church in Golden, CO. This pre-recorded sermon from our larger UU community will be presented via video.
If you have a joy or concern that you would like to have read during the Service, please submit it by noon on Friday through our website:
Plus Children's RE --- "Vision and the Autumnal Equinox"
UUFJC News and Events this week:
Starting January 1st, Frank Rycyk will be taking over as coordinator of our Adult Forum. Many thanks to outgoing Forum Coordinator Betty Cooper, and thanks to Frank for taking on the mantle!
Our Lost and Found bin located above the coat rack is getting full. Please check it and retrieve any items that belong to you.
This Friday, September 21st, our building is reserved by a community group starting at 6:30 pm. Please allow privacy.
Patt Behler is seeking more people to participate in and organize a presentation on Move to Amend, coming Sunday, September 30th, with the organization’s national outreach director Greg Coleridge. See Patt for more information.
Our third Covenant-Making Session is set for Friday, October 12th from 5:30 to 7 pm. Please contact Katherine Connor if you plan to attend, if you need another date, or if you have any questions: [email protected]
Community Events this week:
Monday, September 17th at 7 pm in their Art Gallery, Missouri River Regional Library hosts a Capital READ Book Discussion. Join library director Claudia Cook and adult programmer Madeline Matson for a discussion of Flood by Melissa Scholes Young, the 2018 Capital READ title. Contact Madeline Matson.
Thursday, September 20th at 7 pm in their Art Gallery, MRRL presents: "Hannibal: History Past and Present." Mary Lou Montgomery, an award-winning journalist, retired in 2014 after many years as editor of the Hannibal Courier-Post and continues her research and writing as a contributing correspondent to the paper. She specializes in stories about ordinary people and those with historical relevance to Hannibal and beyond. She is the author of a biography, The Notorious Madam Shaw. Contact Madeline Matson.
This week, Capitol City Cinema presents "E. T." (Saturday at Ellis-Porter Park) and "Eighth Grade" (Thursday through Sunday). For showtimes, more events, and more information, visit
For yoga and even more events, see our online calendars:
UUFJC Events
Affiliated Events
Religious Education
Building Use (other)
Community Events
Have a great week!