Other News:
UUA MidAmerica region is accepting workshop proposals for next April's Regional Assembly. The theme is "Hunger for Justice." For more information, visit the MidAmerica UUA website and look under "Events."
We need Adult Forum leaders for October. See Laura Gilkey.
The Worship Service Committee meets tomorrow, Monday, September 9th at 6:30 pm. All are welcome to attend; if you have ideas but can't make it to the meeting, contact Kath Connor.
CRMC Healthplex presents "Are You at Risk for a Fall?" Tuesday, September 10th, from 1 pm to 3:30 pm. Contact Patt Behler.
The Department of Peacebuilding meets Tuesday, September 10th at 4 pm at Missouri River Regional Library. Contact Betty Cooper.
MRRL is also hosting various author talks and other programs at 7 pm this Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (September 10th, 11th, and 12th). For more details, see our Google "Community Events" calendar (link below) or contact Madeline Matson.
This Friday, September 13th at 7 pm, the monthly Reader's Eye film will be shown at UUFJC. This month's selection is "District 9."
Saturday, September 14th is the deadline to register for the Missouri State NOW Conference. The conference will be held September 21st in Columbia. For more information contact Sue Gibson.
Also on Saturday the 14th, the Martin Family will be holding their 4th annual block party at 6:30 pm at their home. Bring a side dish, your own beverages, and a lawn chair; the Bluegrass Martins will provide the main dish and entertainment.
Next Sunday, September 15th, Older RE begins for youth in grades 6 and up. They will be discussing the situation in Syria. Contact Amy Hoffman.
The monthly Laughter Yoga class was also rescheduled from the first Sunday of this month and will be held next Sunday, September 15th, at 4 pm at the Fellowship. Contact Jan Harcourt.
For Yoga, Zumba, and even more events, see our Calendars.