Sunday, January 9th:
This morning, we shared a recent sermon from our neighbors at the UU Church of Columbia, in which Rev. Molly Housh Gordon offered words on "Getting Free Together." Our earliest experiences of unfreedom often come early, as we were told to tame our bodies into respectability. For the privileged among us (white, male, straight, cisgendered, thin, abled), this unfreedom may seem like small potatoes, and in many ways it is, but it is important to acknowledge it because systems like white supremacy are about control, and controlling the privileged with the idea that respectability and worthiness are scarce and must be earned is key to perpetuating the injustices inflicted on the less privileged among us. Wherever we are in this system, discovering abundance and liberation for ourselves and others go hand in hand. Rev. Molly emphasized that this is not just a political vision, but a path to healing our own souls.
As part of this, Rev. Molly highlighted the "8th Principle Project," an initiative to add the following to the UU Principles:
"We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions."
Proposed by black leaders and encouraged by Black Lives of UU, the 8th principle has already been adopted democratically by over 100 congregations, and UUCC will consider joining them. It is also expected to get a vote at the national UU General Assembly in 2024. For more about the 8th Principle Project, visit
The sermon is available to view online:
Sunday, January 16th:
Adult Forum - 9:15 am
"Russia, China, and US National Security," Darius Watson
Our Adult Forum is currently available both in-person and via Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 988 5874 1051
Password: 047662
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago - US toll)
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Service and Religious Education - 10:30 am
"Intention — in tension," Rev. Nancy TannerThies
Our services are currently available both in-person and via Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 942 8504 1130
By Phone (US toll):
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
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Children's Religious Education - 10:30 am
Children are welcome to join RE Instructor Samantha Porter for a lesson during the service hour. This week: "Imagine a Better World."
Masks are currently required for everyone attending indoor UUFJC events in-person. Free masks will be available if you do not have one.
If you have a joy or concern that you would like to have read during a service, please submit it by noon on the Friday before through our website:
We will also have paper forms available Sunday morning for submissions. Zoom participants, please use the web form. Submissions made after noon on Friday may not be read until the following week..
UUFJC News and Events this week:
We are currently holding our annual Guest At Your Table fundraiser to support the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. UUSC empowers grassroots partners to work for human rights around the world. Stories from UUSC's work, donation boxes, and donation envelopes are available at our building, or you can learn more about UUSC's work and give online: Donations to our drive are due in late January.
We are also collecting items to support an Afghan refugee. For more information see our January newsletter or contact Social Action chair Katherine Connor: [email protected].
We are always in need of donations for our free community pantry. For more about the pantry and current needs, contact Joan Kurtzeborn: j[email protected]. Reimbursements are available; contact our treasurer, Bob Antweiler: [email protected].
On Thursdays at 5:30 pm, Katherine Connor hosts a weekly Zoom Happy Hour for UUFJC Members and Friends to gather and check in.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 918 4396 6450
Password: 918925
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago - US toll)
Find your nearest number:
Our building is reserved by community groups Wednesdays and Saturdays starting at 6 pm and Tuesdays and Thursdays starting at 6 pm. If you have access to our building, please allow privacy at these times.
Community Events this week:
Tomorrow, Monday, January 10th at 6:30 pm in their Art Gallery, Missouri River Regional Library presents the latest installment of the LU-MRRL Lecture Series: "The Secret to Staying Motivated is a Choice." How much does what you want to accomplish mean to you? What are you telling yourself when you set your goals? Following through on what you started and staying the course is not as hard as you think, but you may think it is, and that could be stopping you. The time has come for you to start seeing and getting the results you want, and you have it in you to do it. Join Richard A. Cross, retention specialist for LU’s Student Success Center, who will share how to stick to your goals and gain the confidence from achieving those meaningful goals you have for yourself. Cross is also the organizer of the LUMENtoring Program, which is geared toward mentorship of male students. Contact Madeline Matson. For more on library events, visit
This Tuesday, January 11th, a subgroup of the Jefferson City homelessness working group holds its monthly meeting; this subgroup is focused on responding to emergency housing needs. For more on getting involved with this or other aspects of the homelessness working group, contact Patt Behler.
This Thursday, January 13th is the monthly online meeting of the local chapter of the American Association of University Women. Social begins at 6:30 pm, program at 7 pm. Presenter Charlotte Parsons will address the topic of "Real ID Documents." Avoid long lines at the Dept. of Motor Vehicles when it comes time to renew your driver's license. Know ahead of time what is required for the REAL ID-COMPLIANT Driver's License going into effect May 3, 2023. If you're within 6 months of renewal, they will automatically ask you if you would like one. It's good to know what's needed. Come find out this AAUW meeting. All are welcome to attend. Zoom meeting ID: 81802109143. Password: 752794. Contact Charlotte Parsons.
For more events, see our online calendars:
UUFJC Events
Virtual Gatherings
Affiliated Events
Religious Education
Building Use (other)
Community Events
Please stay safe, well, and connected!
Laura Gilkey
Administrator, UUFJC