In light of the changing situation regarding the Coronavirus/Covid-19 situation, the board has decided to suspend Sunday services in the UUFJC building indefinitely.
The CDC, at this point, is recommending gatherings of no more than 10 people and is urging people to socially distance themselves to prevent the spread of the virus and to keep our hospitals and the dedicated people working there, from being overwhelmed by the pandemic.
As a congregation, we will be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
We are working on virtual alternatives so we can still be in community at this difficult time so look for more information to come as we develop those options for our members and friends. We can, and should, check on each other, by phone or email and reach out if we need support, (groceries/supplies delivered for those who shouldn't be out), or just a shoulder to lean on, or an ear to listen.
Here are some links if you need more information:
This is a particularly helpful resource in explaining visually, (for those able to see the graphs), why social distancing is so important:
What Italians, who are dealing with failing hospitals, horrible ethical decisions, and rationing of medical resources, would tell themselves if they could travel back in time ten days:
Here's one more link in a handy format describing what activities are red, yellow, or green on a social distancing scale:
Take care everyone and I'll be in touch soon about virtual services.