Be alert for cancellations of the events we have scheduled for this week:
Guest At Your Table Donations were originally due today; presumably they're now due next Sunday. Contact Kath Connor.
Laughter Yoga this afternoon is also CANCELED. Contact Jan Harcourt.
Monday evening, Documentary Days at Capitol 8 Movie Theater begin with "Dirty Wars" featuring journalist Jeremy Scahill. Shows at 5 pm and 7 pm. Betty Cooper is getting a group together to go to the 5:00 show and discuss afterward; contact her if you want to join them.
Wednesday, January 8th at 6 pm the UUFJC Board meets at the Fellowship. All are welcome to attend.
Thursday, January 9th at 7 pm, Missouri River Regional Library hosts a talk by Mark Miles, director of the State Historic Preservation Office about historic buildings. Contact Madeline Matson.
At the same time, Thursday at 7 pm, Move to Amend has another report you can listen to by phone or online, this week discussing the making of the film "Legalize Democracy." See the online calendar (Community Events) or contact Sue Gibson for more information.
This Friday, January 10th at 7 pm is the monthly Reader's Eye Film. This month's selection is "Persepolis" (which was cancelled last month), the animated story of a young woman's coming of age in Iran. Contact Sue Gibson.
Next Sunday, January 12th is the last day Roberta Dunkel is collecting clothes for foster care. You can leave them in the box by the coat rack or talk to her for more information.
For more Yoga and events, see our Calendars.
Stay warm and safe!