It was in this context that we began this year's UUFJC Pledge Drive. If you're able, we ask you to please support our Fellowship --- and to please let us know how much you can help, so that we will be able to plan for the future. If you can give financially, please fill out a pledge form. Wondering how much to give? The National UUA publishes Fair Share giving suggestions. Time and talent are equally important gifts; if you feel moved in this way, please fill out a time and talent survey. For both of these, contact our treasurer, Bob Antweiler.
But support of our Fellowship is not a one way street; our Fellowship gives back to its members, and today we radically put that into practice, spreading the spirit of generosity with a "Reverse Offering." Those present received small amounts of money with the charge to use it for good (and thus increase their happiness, if our TED Talk was correct). Already, we've heard back from members supporting Planned Parenthood, as well as climate action through Gold Standard projects (note these are individual choices, not recommendations on behalf of the Fellowship).
In addition, Katherine shared a reading by Rev. John Wolfe, minister emeritus of All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, which spoke to her own feelings and resonated with others present:
“There is only one reason for joining a UU Church. That is to support it. You want to support it because it stands against superstition and fear. Because it points to what’s noblest and best in human life. Because it is open to men and women of whatever race, creed, color, or national origin.
You want to support a UU Church because it has a free pulpit. Because you can hear ideas expressed there which would cost any other minister his or her job. You want to support it because it is a place where children can come without being saddled with guilt or terrified of some ‘celestial peeping Tom,’ where they can learn that religion is for joy, comfort, for gratitude and love.
You want to support it because it is a place where walls between people are torn down rather than built up. Because it is a place for the religious displaced persons of our time, the refugees from mixed marriages, the unwanted freethinkers and those who insist against orthodoxy that they must work out their own beliefs.
You want to support a Unitarian Universalist Church because it is more concerned with human beings than with dogmas. Because it searches for the holy, rather than dwells upon the depraved. Because it calls no one a sinner yet knows how deep is the struggle and how great is the hunger for what is good.
You want to support a Unitarian Universalist Church because it can laugh…because it insults neither your intelligence nor your conscience, and because it calls you to worship what is truly worthy of your sacrifice…”
Next Sunday, March 17th:
Adult Forum - 9:15 am
“Fellowship of Reconciliation," Jeff Stack
Jeff Will share some of the social justice work of his organization.
Service and Religious Education - 10:30 am
Message: “In Whose Steps?,” Rev. Nancy TannerThies
If you have a joy or concern that you would like to have read during the Service, please submit it by noon on Friday through our website:
Plus Children's RE --- "Journeys of Justice"
UUFJC News and Events this week:
We are asking our members and friends to fill out a Time and Talent survey. If you would like a copy of the survey or have any questions, please contact Bob Antweiler.
The UUFJC Lecture series has been placed on hold for the time being. Please see the March newsletter or contact Frank Rycyk for more information.
This Thursday, March 14th at 7 pm, the local chapter of the American Association of University Women meets in our building. Contact Charlotte Parsons for more information.
Community Events this week:
This week, Missouri River Regional Library and ABLE holds their annual Used Book Sale at the St. Martin's Knights of Columbus Hall. Help the library and enjoy a huge event for book lovers of all kinds! The sale begins Wednesday, March 13th from 4-8 pm; the first day, there is an admission charge of $5 per person including all children. The sale continues with free admission 9 am - 8 pm Thursday and Friday, and concludes Saturday from 9 am - 1 pm. For more information and other library events, visit
This week, Capitol City Cinema presents "Stan and Ollie" (Thursday through Sunday). For showtimes, more events, and more information, visit
For yoga and even more events, see our online calendars:
UUFJC Events
Affiliated Events
Religious Education
Building Use (other)
Community Events
Have a great week!