You can get involved in Food Sovereignty right here in Jefferson City. See below for our Social Action Committee's stand on an agricultural ballot issue and a tour of Heart of Missouri Gardens.
UUFJC News and Announcements this week:
The July Newsletter and print calendar are ready! A few paper copies are available in the Sanctuary, and electronic copies are available.
Our Social Action Committee has come out in opposition to Amendment 1, which would make it difficult to regulate agriculture (for example, GMOs and animal abuse). You can sign up to join in opposition; contact Don Love.
UUA General Assembly is ending today. Some of the events are available to view online; visit for more information.
Monday, June 30th, Citizens for JeffTran will be at City Hall from 5:20 to 7 pm to support a public transit advisory committee for Jefferson City. Expanding public transit is one of our Fellowship's social action goals, in cooperation with Faith Voices for Jefferson City. Free shuttle service to and from the meeting is available; call 635-4395
Wednesday, July 2nd, The NEEED Project is offering a tour of their beautiful and empowering Heart of Missouri Gardens 5:30 pm. Pamphlets are available in the Sanctuary. Contact Bob Boldt.
Community Events this week:
This week, Capitol City Cinema on High Street presents "Snowpiercer" at various showtimes, Wednesday, July 2nd through Sunday, July 6th. For more information, visit
For yoga and even more events, see our Calendars.