This week, our Fellowship also mourns the loss of a very dear friend and companion in our journey, Geraldean McMillin. Gerry was a vital presence in our Adult Forum, and we'll carry with us her insights and her resolute respect for everyone --- she made it a rule never to tell anyone "you're wrong," just "I understand it differently." Her free hugs will be sorely missed. Here's some of what Gerry believed, from her book "75 Years in the Wilderness: A Christian Agnostic's Search for Answers":
- God exists in the form of Love.
- The world is sacred because Love dwells there.
- Love is something I do, not something I feel or think.
- No religion has a monopoly on Love, regardless of its name or the language it speaks.
- Love resides in everyone. Thus, everyone deserves to be revered and treated with respect.
- Love is synonymous with "grace" and always forgives.
If you haven't read Gerry's books, ask around; someone can probably give or loan a copy. And let's always remember to think of Gerry and offer each other free hugs.
UUFJC News and Events this week:
We are updating our Members and Friends Directory. A copy is in the back of the sanctuary for you to review, or you can contact Laura Gilkey to confirm your information and get it updated, added, or removed.
Monday, September 8th, the Worship Service Committee meets at the Fellowship at 6:30 pm. All are welcome to come and share ideas for upcoming Sunday services. Contact Carol Bontempo.
This Friday, September 12th at 7 pm at the Fellowship is the monthly Reader's Eye Film. This month's selection: "Much Ado About Nothing," based on the play by Shakespeare and directed by Joss Whedon. Bob Boldt is out of town this month; contact Laura Gilkey.
Next Sunday, September 14th, the UUFJC Board meets at the Fellowship after lunch at 1:30. All are welcome to attend.
We need volunteers to organize and staff our booth at the Jefferson City Multicultural Festival, coming up October 4th. This is an important outreach and fundraising opportunity for us, so please volunteer if you can help!
The CROP Walk against hunger is also coming up October 5th, and Kath Connor is signing up walkers and donors. See the information in the sanctuary, below the TV by the cafe bar, or contact Kath for more information.
We are also looking for volunteers to organize and put on a fundraiser in November, tentatively November 15th. What do you want to have? A cook-off? A silent auction? A talent night? We need your creativity and energy to live up to our budget, so please volunteer if you can help!
Community Events this week:
This Tuesday, September 9th at 4 pm, Citizens for Peace meets at Missouri River Regional Library in the Story Hour Room. Contact Betty Cooper.
This Saturday, September 13th, there will be a special Yoga Workshop at the Fellowship from 10 am to noon. Contact Alberta Mobley.
This week, Capitol City Cinema on High Street is showing "Life After Beth" and "A Most Wanted Man." For more information, visit
For yoga and even more events, see our Calendars.