UUFJC Newsletter, "Flame on the Water" May 2022
Sunday, May 1st:
This morning, we held our Annual Business Meeting, an affirmation of our faith commitment to "the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large." We approved our new fiscal year budget, with extra money for some needed building maintenance and for outreach efforts like our neighborhood pantry and Salvation Army meals. We heard reports from our officers and committees, and a recurring theme was our need for more people's time, talent, and viewpoints in our Fellowship's leadership and activities. Can you join or lead our Membership Committee in welcoming new people and caring for current members and friends? Our Social Action Committee in helping members and friends make a difference in our world? Would you like to share your viewpoints in our Adult Forum? Would you like to be part of our Sunday services in ways big or small? Can you help us present our services via Zoom? Please contact a member of our board --- your talents can help keep our Fellowship healthy and vital. Finally, we selected a Nominating Committee: Patt Behler, Katherine Connor, and Barb Koenig will be seeking candidates for next year's board. And, as of our Annual Business Meeting, the incoming board members we elected in March officially take up their offices: many thanks to our new Secretary, Logan White, and our new Religious Education Director, Samantha Porter!
In other news, the "Congregational Record" inviting candidates for our part-time minister position is now live on the UUA's website. Our president, Rich Burdge, writes:
"The UUFJC now has a Congregational Record posted on the UUA website, which means that we are officially advertising for a part-time Minister! This is how ministerial job-seekers can learn more about us and decide if our position is one they would like to apply for. I would also like for you, our members, to see how we are presenting ourselves, so the entire document is attached. If there are any comments or feedback on any part of it, please let a board member know. This is a Board-approved document, but given the format of the UUA website, portions may be edited or updated, given Board approval. Also please be aware that church data generally reflects the 2021-22 church year."
For those who would also like to keep up with our neighbors at the UU Church of Columbia, their service from this morning is now available to view online: https://youtu.be/Zbub5tRhwyw
Next Sunday, May 8th:
Adult Forum - 9:15 am
"Home Schooling," Amy Regnier
For Mother's Day, we will have a first-person report on what's involved with teaching children at home.
Our Adult Forum is currently available both in-person and via Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 988 5874 1051
Password: 047662
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago - US toll)
Find your nearest number: https://zoom.us/u/aeC2zyWdIo
Service - 10:30 am
"Nurturing Beauty," Rev. Mike Adamek
Giving oneself over to the “unregarded epiphanies of every blessed day.” It was a fundamental part of Emerson’s lifelong credo. I will explain and then argue that it should be part of our lifelong credos.
Our services are currently available both in person and on Zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 942 8504 1130
By Phone (US toll):
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Find your nearest number: https://zoom.us/u/ak1ZLCDJG
Children's Religious Education - 10:30 am
Children attending in-person are welcome to join RE Instructor Samantha Porter for a lesson during the service hour. This week: "Stories Remind Us Who We Are: As a Family."
Lunch after Service: Look for a new whiteboard in our entry hallway to see where the lunch bunch plans to eat, and please add a tally to the whiteboard if you plan to go with them.
Masks are now optional for those attending UUFJC events in person.
If you have a joy or concern that you would like to have read during a service or shared in our weekly email, please submit it by noon on the Friday before through our website: http://uufjc.org/joys--concerns.html
We will also have paper forms available Sunday morning for submissions. Zoom participants, please use the web form. Submissions made after noon on Friday may not be read or shared until the following week..
UUFJC News and Events this week:
Donate to UUFJC
We are always in need of donations for our free community pantry. Soup and pasta/noodle items would be especially helpful at this time For more information about the pantry and current needs, contact Joan Kurtzeborn. Reimbursements are available; contact our treasurer, Bob Antweiler: [email protected].
Monday, May 2nd at 6 pm, the local chapter of the American Association of University Women meets at our building and on Zoom (meeting ID 81802109143, passcode 752794). This month's topic: "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" with Kay Meyer, Missouri AAUW Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chair and Sue Shineman, Missouri President AAUW. Bring a sandwich and drink and enjoy your food while participating in this event. For more information, contact Charlotte Parsons.
On Tuesdays, Alberta Mobley teaches her own weekly chair yoga classes at our building at 9:30 am. Donations requested. Contact Alberta for more information.
On Thursdays at 5:30 pm, Katherine Connor hosts a weekly Zoom Happy Hour for UUFJC Members and Friends to gather and check in.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 918 4396 6450
Password: 918925
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago - US toll)
Find your nearest number: https://zoom.us/u/aeC2zyWdIo
An Insight Meditation group taught by Joe McCormack meets at our building Thursday nights at 7 pm. For more information, contact Bob Antweiler.
Next Sunday, May 8th at 3 pm, Emma Regnier leads an Intergenerational Book Study at our building. This month's book selection: "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. Contact Emma Regnier and Betty Cooper.
Our building is reserved by community groups Wednesdays and Saturdays starting at 6 pm and Tuesdays and Thursdays starting at 5:30 pm. If you have access to our building, please allow privacy at these times.
Community Events this week:
This Friday, May 6th at 7 pm in their Art Gallery, Missouri River Regional Library hosts their monthly First Friday Film. This month's selection: "Spencer." The marriage of Princess Diana and Prince Charles has long since grown cold. Though rumors of affairs and a divorce abound, peace is ordained for the Christmas festivities at the Queen's Sandringham Estate. But this year, things will be profoundly different. Spencer is an imagining of what might have happened during those few fateful days. Kristen Stewart, who portrays Diana, received an Oscar Best Actress nomination for her performance. Contact Madeline Matson. For more on library events, visit MRRL.org.
For more events, see our online calendars:
UUFJC Events
Virtual Gatherings
Affiliated Events
Religious Education
Building Use (other)
Community Events