Instead of a creed, Unitarian Universalists share a spirit and vision of radical inclusivity, individual agency, and social justice. We create a safe space to stand out, stand up, and change your mind, particularly during life’s transitions. We embrace personal discovery and growth through learning, engagement, and service. Our only doctrine is love. -- Victoria Mitchell
Our February Soul Matters theme is inclusion and at the same time, Donald Trump begins to take away inclusivity by requesting that federal employees report colleagues who keep diversity programs alive and threatens those who do not comply.
Bishop Mariann Budde’s urges us; “to pray for unity as a people and a nation — not for agreement, political or otherwise — but for the kind of unity that fosters community across diversity and division.” Because “Unity is not partisan.”
I’m not sure the next 4 years can go by fast enough.
This week’s sermon: Unjust Measure of Human Worth by Rev Joanna Fontaine Crawford
UU Moment: A World Made of Stories by Rev Gail Marriner
Children's Religious Education: Children attending in-person are welcome to join RE Instructor Dr Samantha Porter for a lesson during the service hour. This month's theme: Story
Lunch after Services: Please join us for lunch after the 10:30 service. This week’s meeting place will be
The Landing Zone at the Jefferson City Airport.
What they need:
breakfast bars
ravioli (I assume the single serving cans)
Feminine hygiene products
canned meats (tuna, Spam)
deodorant for men & women