First, the Adult Forum discussed a TED talk by Chimamanda Adichie about the "danger of a single story" --- that if we let one story become the only story about any person or place, we fail to see their full humanity.
In Rev. Mike's sermon, on the other hand, he pointed out that UUs are often criticized for our refusal to commit to a single story. We are warned that this leaves us shallow and rootless; for example, how can we authentically celebrate Christmas without committing the the story of the birth of Jesus? Rev. Mike argued that this rootlessness can be a part of our experience, yes, but like those on any religious path, we can grow beyond it. Indeed the Christmas tradition itself is as eclectic as any UU, taking its date and many of its symbols from pagan sources. Rev. Mike concluded by encouraging us as UUs to be proud of our many authentic ways to celebrate the holiday season.
This Week's Question for Reflection: What stories did your “elders” pass down to you? Have you cared for them and passed them on as those elders hoped?
Next Sunday, December 11th:
Adult Forum - 9:15 am
"Stories: Our Lives are Made by them," Betty Cooper
UUs have no “ascribed stories”; Rev. Gretchen Haley seeks to change that by offering 10 stories. We explore some of “her chosen stories.”
Service and Religious Education - 10:30 am
Message: "This Unitarian Universalist Life: Stories"
Join us in an exploration of this month’s theme of “story” through reflections prepared by members, plus readings and music.
If you have a joy or concern that you would like to have read during the Service, please submit it by noon on Friday through our website:
Plus Children's RE --- Volunteers Needed!
UUFJC News and Events this week:
Many thanks to all the chefs, volunteers, and attendees who made our annual Chili Supper last Saturday possible. Thanks especially to Bob Antweiler for his work organizing the event. Here's to having good times together and supporting our Fellowship!
We need volunteers willing to offer rides to and from Sunday services to members who need them; another one of our usual drivers has had a conflicting circumstance come up. If you can help, please contact Bob Antweiler.
Sharon Morgan has arranged the bread recipes people submitted last year into a collection, which is now available for a $15 suggested minimum donation with proceeds benefiting the Fellowship. See Alexis.
The Transgender Support Group meets this Thursday, December 8th at 7 pm.
This Friday, December 9th at 7 pm is the monthly Reader’s Eye Film. Contact Cinthy Wilcox.
And coming Monday, December 12th is the monthly UUFJC Lecture series. This month, Dr. Debra Greene will speak on “Lincoln University, the Founders' Stories.” Contact Carol Bontempo or Frank Rycyk.
Survey Update: Thank you to those who responded to the worship service surveys. We will take your feedback into consideration. I have found that we could have worded the questions in a better way to get the type of feedback we were looking for, so we'll develop other ways to gather information regarding our worship experiences.
Community Events this week:
This Tuesday, December 6th at 7 pm in their Art Gallery, Missouri River Regional Library presents: "Blogging from the Blogger’s Perspective." A sneak peek into how blogging affects the life of an actual blogger. Creator and writer of Intentergy (, Melanie A. Peters will discuss her adventures in starting, maintaining, and growing with her blog. Learn about the daily, weekly, and monthly challenges and benefits of being a blogger. Contact Madeline Matson or visit
One of our youth members, Camryn, will be performing in "A Charlie Brown's Christmas"
as Lucy. The show is at Stained Glass Theatre, with the following dates remaining in the run: December 8th, 9th, 10th, 16th, 17th, and 18th. Contact Kim Connor for more information.
Next Sunday, December 11th at 2 pm in their Art Gallery, MRRL hosts a Local Authors Showcase. Come meet and talk with local authors about their work. Their books will be available for purchase—just in time for the holidays.
This week, Capitol City Cinema presents "White Christmas" (Thursday only) and "The Handmaiden" (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday). For showtimes and more information, visit
For yoga and even more events, see our online calendars:
Service Committee
Religious Education
Building Use (other)
Social Action
Community Events
Have a great week!