Next Sunday, January 18th:
Newsletter Submissions Due.
Adult Forum - 9:15 am
"How do we create Martin Luther King, Jr.'s 'Beloved Community'?," Betty Cooper
Parents Workshop - 9:30 am
Service and Religious Education - 10:30 am
Message: "Pondering Puppies and Prophets," Rev. Nancy Tanner-Thies
Plus Children's RE with Katherine Connor; Aide needed!
Youth RE is available. Contact Alexis Engelbrecht-Villafañe
UUFJC Board Meeting - 1:30 pm
UUFJC News and Events this week:
Submissions for the February Newsletter and print calendar are due next Sunday, January 18th. E-mail items to Laura Gilkey or leave them in the mail slot in the office.
Due to the weather, today's scheduled meeting of the UUFJC Board was postponed to next Sunday, see above.
If you are willing to give someone a ride to services once a month, please see Bob Antweiler.
Roberta Dunkel has a collection box by the front door for donations of pajamas and other warm clothing for Foster Care and Adoption.
Tomorrow, Monday, January 12th, the Worship Service Committee will meet at 6:30 pm. All are welcome. Contact Carol Bontempo.
Next Sunday, January 18th is the monthly Laughter Yoga session at 4 pm. Contact Jan Harcourt.
Community Events this week:
Frank Rycyk has passed along an invitation to apply for the Rotary Youth Leadership Academy. Open to high school students preparing to enter their Sophomore or Junior year. It’s a 3 ½ day leadership camp at William Woods University, Sunday, June 28th through Wednesday, July 1st. All expenses are paid. It is a very competitive selection process. They are seeking students with “A Heart for Service”. The deadline to apply is February 1st. Contact Frank for more information.
This Tuesday, January 13th, Citizens for Peace meet at 4 pm at Missouri River Regional Library in the Story Hour Room. Contact Betty Cooper.
Later Tuesday evening at 7 pm, MRRL hosts "Puppies for Parole" in the Art Gallery. Cindy Prudden of the Missouri Department of Corrections will discuss the partnership between the department, animal shelters and animal rescue groups that provide benefits to the community, to offenders and to correctional institutions. Selected offenders learn dog training skills and work with rescued dogs to make them more adoptable. Trainers go through an apprenticeship program that equips them with skills they can use when their incarceration ends. Contact Madeline Matson.
Thursday, January 15th at 7 pm, Columbia Area NOW meets in the Hy-Vee Restaurant at Broadway and Fairview in Columbia. Non-members and new members welcome. Contact Sue Gibson.
This week, Capitol City Cinema presents "A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night" and "Low Down." For showtimes and more information, visit:
For yoga and even more events, see our Calendars.