Some of us also shared the words of our departed and dearly-missed friend, Gerry McMillin, who made Love central to her understanding of the divine. As Gerry wrote in her book, "75 Years in the Wilderness: A Christian Agnostic's Search for Answers":
"What a difference it makes to think of God as the force of Love, and what a difference it makes to think of myself as in some small, imperfect way capable of manifesting that Love in my own life! [...]
"In a recent conversation, I was asked how it is possible to visualize a non-anthropomorphic God. I said I do not need a picture to know that there are unseen forces at work in my life. Fear can immobilize me. Gravity pulls me to the earth. Faith inspires me. Wind can sweep me off my feet. How do I know these unseen forces exist? I know because I can see what they do. In the same way, God/Love is made manifest by countless loving acts that unfold before my eyes every day."
Let us all think of how we can make that Love manifest, not just today or this month, but throughout our lives.
Next Sunday, February 21st:
Newsletter Submissions Due.
Please submit items for the March newsletter and print calendar to Laura Gilkey by e-mail or in writing.
Adult Forum - 9:15 am
TBA, Leader Needed!
Service and Religious Education - 10:30 am
Message: "Closer to the Fire: Winter into Spring," Rev. Nancy TannerThies
If you have a joy or concern that you would like to have read during the Service, please submit it through our website:
Plus Children's RE --- Volunteers Needed!
UUFJC News and Events this week:
We are starting the second phase of our clergy review process. Questionnaires have been sent out to those on our weekly e-mail list, and paper copies will be available at our service next Sunday, February 21st. If you have not received a questionnaire or if you have any questions, contact Alexis Engelbrecht.
We need RE volunteers and Adult Forum leaders. Contact Kim Connor to help with RE or contact Laura Gilkey to lead the Adult Forum. Note: the RE schedule will be returning to the RE room door; please make sure to document what date and lesson you sign up to do as Kim will not have access to the schedule during the week.
This Thursday, February 18th, the American Association of University Women meets at Lincoln University Women’s Resource Center. The Center’s director, Tammy Nobles, will be the speaker. Contact Charlotte Parsons.
This Saturday, February 20th, the “Hola amigos” Spanish speakers group will meet here at the Fellowship at 1 pm for food, fun, and practice. Contact Patt Behler.
Next Sunday, February 21st is the monthly Laughter Yoga session at 4 pm. Contact Jan Harcourt.
Community Events this week:
This Tuesday, February 16th, CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) of St. Louis is holding a Refugee Welcome & Muslim Lobby Day with a rally at 11:30 am on the Capitol Steps. Allies are welcome. For more information, visit
Then Tuesday evening at 7 pm, Missouri River Regional Library hosts an evening of music with the Lincoln University Jazz Ensemble. The ensemble, under the direction of Rhonda L. Harper, will offer a selection of jazz works appealing to a broad audience. Harper is the sole African American female director of bands among Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Contact Madeline Matson.
This Thursday, February 18th at 7 pm, Columbia Area NOW meets at the Hy-Vee Restaurant at Broadway and Fairview in Columbia. Non-members and new members welcome. Contact Sue Gibson.
For this week's showtimes at Capitol City Cinema, keep watching
For yoga and even more events, see our online calendars:
Service Committee
Religious Education
Building Use (other)
Social Action
Community Events
Have a great week!