Issues ranged widely, from the practical (we decided roof repairs deserved immediate attention) to the visionary (we spent a little time discussing what "worship" means to us as UUs). Some highlights:
Due to changes of plans, two offices on our board had opened up since our annual election in March, and we elected Lisa Sanning to the office of Vice President/Worship Service Chair, and Barb Koenig to the office of Secretary. Thus the following board now takes office:
President: Katherine Connor
Vice President: Lisa Sanning
Treasurer: Bob Antweiler
Secretary: Barb Koenig
Director of Religious Education: Gennifer Monteer
Thank you to the incoming board for your willingness to serve!
We also elected a Nominating Committee, tasked with finding candidates for next year's board: Tom Crane, Kim Connor, and Patt Behler.
We discussed our hopes for our Social Action Committee, and the need for people to step up to lead the effort. We invite you to look over the Committee's charter and mission statement and contact the board if you would like to get involved!
Patt Behler also hopes to give our Sanctuary a name honoring some worthy person, near or far, past or present, perhaps a fondly-remembered Fellowship member or a pioneering UU forebear. Before we adjourned, she called for others to contact her with suggestions.
All that and we weren't even late for lunch!
It's also less than two weeks until our annual Rummage Sale! Mark your calendars, spread the word, and look for details below to donate or get involved!
Next Sunday, May 27th:
Adult Forum - 9:15 am
"The Courage to Create," Betty Cooper
A theory states that our healthiest impulse is Creativity. As we explore ideas from Rollo May’s book, The Courage to Create, we’ll discuss the “degree of truth” in that theory. How can our creative power make our life and the lives of others more productive and satisfying ? I'm planning for us to use ideas from nonprofits, so bring a mission statement from one of yours.
Service and Religious Education - 10:30 am
Message: "The No That Gets to Yes," Rev. Nancy TannerThies
Exploring how we decide what we want to create.
If you have a joy or concern that you would like to have read during the Service, please submit it by noon on Friday through our website:
Plus Children's RE --- "Creativity and Play - Memorial Day"
UUFJC News and Events this week:
Next Sunday, May 27th, we will begin accepting donations for our annual Rummage Sale, coming Saturday, June 2nd. Please be looking for clean, fully functional items in good condition to donate; thanks to you we always plenty to offer! No adult clothing, please; children’s clothing is welcome and appreciated. If you're more into cookery than salespersonship, we're also interested in offering bake sale items this year, and we even have some ingredients for volunteers to use. The following week, Sunday, May 27th through Friday, June 1st, we will be working in the building to set up the sale; regular weekly events may be adjusted. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help with the sale, please see Bob Antweiler and Lisa Sanning.
(Note: if you have any items stored at the Fellowship, we advise you to take them home until after the rummage sale or make sure that they are clearly labeled.)
The national Unitarian Universalist Association is holding its annual General Assembly June 20th-24th in Kansas City, Missouri, and our Fellowship has been issues credentials for two voters. If you are a member of UUFJC, plan to attend GA, and would like to make our Fellowship's voice heard, please contact Katherine Connor.
Monday, May 21st, a local Girl Scout troop meets in our building at 6:30 pm. Contact Kim Connor.
Thursday, May 24th, the local Transgender Support Group meets at our building. A closed session at 6:30 pm in the RE room will be followed by an open meeting at 7 pm in the Sanctuary. Contact Liberty Sitzes: [email protected].
This Friday, May 25th is our monthly Salvation Army work day. Please contact Jim Babb if you can help provide and serve food for those in need. Serving begins at 5 pm; please arrive early to help prepare.
Also Friday evening, Citizens for Peace presents their monthly peacebuilding documentary film at our building. Refreshments at 5 pm; screening begins at 6 pm. Contact Betty Cooper.
Our Soul Matters Small Group is tentatively scheduled to meet next Sunday, May 27th, from 2-4 pm. To confirm the meeting or to get involved with the Soul Matters Small Group, contact Jim Davis.
Community Events this week:
Monday, May 21st at 7 pm, Missouri River Regional Library presents: "Gerrymandering: Politics and Policy" with Dr. Terry Smith. Gerrymandering dates to the earliest days of the Republic. It has been practiced by both parties. Until the 1960s, it resulted in the overrepresentation of rural interests. Most recently, it has been used at all levels—federal, state, local—to solidify red and blue districts, protect incumbents, and assure minority representation. In June, the Supreme Court will declare whether purely partisan gerrymandering is unconstitutional. Dr. Smith is a professor of political science at Columbia College. Contact Madeline Matson.
This week, Capitol City Cinema presents "The Final Portrait" (Thursday through Sunday). For showtimes, more events, and more information, visit
For yoga and even more events, see our online calendars:
Service Committee
Religious Education
Building Use (other)
Social Action
Community Events
Have a great week!