Members and friends who were present also shared their own gifts of water, whether from distant travels, the tap at home, a new workplace, or the concern for others who don't have access to clean water. All of these were mixed with water saved from the water communions of previous years. As the water of the world has held the history of life, so too the communion water continues to hold the history of our life together as a Fellowship.
Next Sunday, September 16th:
Adult Forum - 9:15 am
"International Day of Peace," Betty Cooper
One visionary person makes a difference. Jeremy Gilley had a powerful idea; he set forth a plan and succeeded in getting September 21st as the “set date” for the International Day of Peace. While discussing his accomplishments, we’ll examine how each of do or can make a difference in the world, especially on September 21st.
Service and Religious Education - 10:30 am
Message: "Now You See It, Now You Don't," Rev. Nancy TannerThies
As we create and implement a vision for the future what is it that we refuse to see?
If you have a joy or concern that you would like to have read during the Service, please submit it by noon on Friday through our website:
Plus Children's RE --- "Vision and the Jewish High Holidays"
UUFJC News and Events this week:
Our Building now has a new roof! Thank you to everyone who contributed to this process, especially our Treasurer, Bob Antweiler. Note: The roofers have offered reimbursement if you suffer a flat tire between now and September 28th due to roofing nails in the parking lot. If this happens, go ahead and get it fixed, then contact Bob Antweiler.
Our Adult Forum Coordinator, Betty Cooper, is seeking a volunteer to take over that position as soon as possible. Many thanks to Betty for her work! If you are interested in arranging speakers and programs for our Adult Forum hour on Sundays at 9:15 am, please contact Betty.
Samantha, our RE teacher, has asked that those who visit the building during the week look in on the plants in the RE room and water them if they need it.
Our Lost and Found bin located above the coat rack is getting full. Please check it and retrieve any items that belong to you.
Monday, September 10th, is the monthly UUFJC Lecture Series. "The Spiritual Journey of Dr. Wayne Dyer, and how it Relates to all of us," with James Oermann. Oermann will include a summary of Dr. Wayne Dyer's teachings and how they borrow from all world religions. Contact Carol Bontempo or Frank Rycyk.
This Thursday, September 13th, our building's Sanctuary is reserved by a community group starting at 6:30 pm. Please allow privacy.
Also on Thursday evening, the American Association of University Women holds their opening Fall meeting at our building at 7 pm in the Forum Room. This month's speaker: Mrs. Kristi Campbell, Director of the Cole County Health Dept. Contact Charlotte Parsons.
Next Sunday, September 16th, the Worship Service Committee will be meeting at 6 pm here at the Fellowship. If you’d like to get involved with creating our Sunday services, see our Vice President, Lisa Sanning.
Patt Behler is seeking more people to participate in and organize a presentation on Move to Amend, coming Sunday, September 30th, with the organization’s national outreach director Greg Coleridge. See Patt for more information.
Our third Covenant-Making Session is set for Friday, October 12th from 5:30 to 7 pm. A covenant is a way to both describe and shape the culture of our Fellowship, to both invite newcomers and minister to ourselves. Please see to Katherine Connor if you plan to attend or have any questions: [email protected]
Community Events this week:
The Housing Authority of Jefferson City is looking for volunteers to help in providing activities for their resident senior citizens, to give them more opportunities to interact with the community. More information will be posted on the UUFJC Bulletin Board in our Sanctuary. (If you would like to organize an effort to volunteer on behalf of the Fellowship, please contact Katherine Connor.)
This Tuesday, September 11th at 7 pm in their Art Gallery, Missouri River Regional Library presents: "The Great Flood of ’93: A Look Back at 25 Years." Eric Schroeter, state design engineer for the Missouri Department of Transportation, was active on the scene during the historic 1993 flood and the recovery afterward. He will present a program, including video, about the damage to the landscape, properties, entire towns, and the lessons learned after this 330-year natural disaster. Contact Madeline Matson.
This week, Capitol City Cinema presents The Great American Read Project's Fall Kick Off with PBS affiliate KMOS (Monday night) and "Leave No Trace" (Thursday through Sunday). For showtimes, more events, and more information, visit
For yoga and even more events, see our online calendars:
UUFJC Events
Affiliated Events
Religious Education
Building Use (other)
Community Events
Have a great week!